Reading Quizzes
Available to teachers only as part of theTeaching Henry VTeacher Pass
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Sample of Reading Quizzes
1. What does the Chorus ask for?2. What does the Chorus tell the audience they're about to watch?
3. What does the Chorus apologize for?
4. Why does the Chorus say that the audience has to use their imaginations?
1. It asks for a "muse of fire" to help the theater company portray "a kingdom for a stage."2. The Chorus speaks of the "two mighty monarchies" going toe-to-toe over the French crown.
3. There's no way the theater can accurately represent Henry V's war against France on a tiny little stage with just a handful of actors.
4. Imagination is needed to help bring the events to life, since it's impossible for the theater to "hold the vastly fields of France" and the thousands of soldiers and horses that were involved in the historic battle at Agincourt.