
Learn all about the historical King Henry V and his campaigns in France.

Read Shakespeare's plays online, compliments of MIT.

We love BBC's history website. Here we're linking to their info England in the Middle Ages (1154-1485). Be sure to check out the articles on the Hundred Years War, the series of battles during which the English and the French squabbled over who had rights to the French crown.

In Bernard Cornwell's online Daily Mail article, the historical novelist (who wrote a fictional account of Agincourt) talks about the horrific realities of the Battle of Agincourt and discusses why it's "celebrated as a golden moment in English history."

Check out the Folger Shakespeare's article about wordplay in Henry V.

This "Shakespeare in American Life" article discusses some recent comparisons between US President George W. Bush and Henry V.
Movie or TV Productions

This is the film adaptation your teacher is most likely to show in class. It contains gritty and realistic battle scenes and includes a few flashbacks to scenes from Henry IV Part 1.

This film is famous for the way it opens at the Globe theater in London before the scenes eventually shift to a more realistic setting to depict the Battle of Agincourt. The film was made during World War II and was considered a morale booster for British troops.

This BBC made-for-TV series features performances of all the history plays (including Henry V) by the English Shakespeare Company. Directed by Michael Bogdanov.

Also known as Falstaff, Chimes at Midnight (a.k.a. Campanadas a Medianoche) is Orson Welles' film adaptation of the Henry plays. The film mostly borrows from Henry IV Part 1 and Part 2, but it also takes a scene from Henry V, Act 2, Scene 2, and makes some interesting changes. In the play, Henry tells a story about an unnamed drunken Englishmen who disparaged the king in public. In the film, Welles turns the anonymous drunk into Falstaff and has King Henry pardon him.

Check out the RSC's hilarious performance of Shakespeare's history plays (in under two minutes).

Check out Branagh's stunning delivery of the most famous speech in the play.

Who's better? Branagh or Olivier? You decide.

Clip from the 1989 film. (Don't worry, it's got subtitles for the French dialogue.) Check it out, compliments of YouTube.

Historical fiction author Bernard Cornwell discusses the history of Agincourt and why the battle is so fascinating.

Listen to former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson's reading of the famous speech, compliments of Shakespeare In American Life.

Free audio version of Henry V, compliments of LibriVox.

Listen to a BBC broadcast all about the history of the Battle of Agincourt.

John Gilbret's 19th-century portrayal of Henry V at Agincourt.

Image from Branagh's 1989 film. Branagh (a.k.a. Henry V) is on the left.

Image from the 1989 film.

Really interested in the battle of Agincourt? Check out this piece of historical fiction from author Bernard Cornwell and learn about the realities of medieval warfare. (Psst. If you scroll down the page, you can also find useful maps of helpful stuff like Harfleur and the battle lines at Agincourt.)