Here We Are Section 5 Summary

Back Where We Started

  • The wife says it might be better to put the show off until tomorrow. The husband says that's good, and asks her if she really needs to write letters tonight. She says no. 
  • Then there's a silence with "things going on in it"—whatever that means. 
  • The husband and wife promise each other that they won't fight anymore. The wife says (again) that she was just thinking of all those people out there all getting married, and of how many marriages go wrong, and so on.
  • They say they're not going to be like those people. Then, the wife asks the husband to get her hat, and says it's too bad he doesn't like it. 
  • He says he does like it and calls her crazy. The wife says it's great that she's married someone who hates her hats and calls her crazy. 
  • The husband protests, exasperated, saying that he really does love her hat and anything else she wears. But she says she doesn't want him to say it like that. 
  • Finally, the wife accepts the husband's claim that he likes her hat. She says she just didn't want to get off to such a bad start, thinking her husband hated her hat. 
  • The husband says that he and the wife aren't going to have any bad starts—they're on their honeymoon. Everything will be all right once they get into New York and the hotel and… everything…
  • The story ends with the husband and wife repeating lines from the beginning of the story. The husband says, "Here we are!" And the wife replies, "Yes, here we are… Aren't we?"