Herzog Resources


Saul Bellow at NobelPrize.org

Yup, good ol' Saul won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1976, thus shoring up his status as one of the greatest writers who ever existed. Check out this link and you can even read the speech Bellow presented at the Nobel Banquet.

Saul Bellow at Biography.com

For a clean and easy-to-read rundown of all things Bellow, check out this link.

The Saul Bellow Journal

Yup, there's an entire publication that's dedicated to discussing the work of our main man. If you're feeling hardcore in your love for Bellow, this journal is right for you.

Articles and Interviews

Saul Bellow's Herzog Turns 50

That's right, folks. Saul Bellow's great novel turned 50 years old in 2014. So let's have a party. Or read the book. Or just do whatever you were going to do before you read this.

Review of Herzog at Commentary Magazine

For a thoughtful summary of what makes Herzog so great, check out this handy link.

Saul Bellow Vs. Raymond Chandler

The Guardian newspaper decided to have a single elimination tournament to decide which American novelist was truly the best. In this round, they pit Saul Bellow against Raymond Chandler. But to find out who wins, you'll have to check out this link.


Saul Bellow Reads His Work

Follow this link to get a great sense of what Bellow was like in person, especially when he was reading his own work. Keep your ears open for the part where he discusses Herzog.

Saul Bellow Interview

Yup, here's the man himself giving an in-depth interview back in the day.


Clip From Herzog Audiobook

It ain't the whole shebang, but it's enough to give you a sense of what it'd be like to hear Herzog read aloud.

Herzog Audiobook on iTunes

And here's the rest of the audiobook if you're looking to buy.

Another Audiobook Version

Because who wants to buy an audiobook without shopping around first? No one, that's who.


Saul Bellow at Herzog's Age

Based on their other similarities, Herzog and Bellow would probably look alike, too.

Baby Bellow

Here's Bellow looking a little younger. Just look at that stare he's rocking.

Bellow Toward the End of His Life

Because let's face it (unlike Herzog)—we all get old.