
Got a research paper on something MLK-related? Thank us later. Better yet, buy us some onion rings.

Run by the King family, it's got more MLK archival material than is probably healthy. Remember to stand up every 20 minutes.

It's a…museum…about the…Civil Rights Movement. The main building is the old Lorraine Motel, where MLK was assassinated.

It's a…museum…about…African American…History and Culture. Run by the Smithsonian Institution. In DC. A.k.a. NMAAHC, which is not a useful abbreviation. At all.
Movie or TV Productions

We head over to Billy Kyles, on location at the Lorraine Motel.

Fourteen hours of civil rights goodness. If you watch half an episode per day, it'll last you through all of Black History Month. We can't stop singing that theme song.

This video record of MLK's career is brought to you by the letter M.
Articles and Interviews

Want to hear from one of the sanitation workers and a member of the Invaders? We thought so.

Your desire to read court documents is a fire that no water can put out.

A brief history of the slogan "I am a man," from slavery days to present

You know what story the King children were read every. single. night?

Excerpts from Zora Neale Hurston's novel Moses, Man of the Mountain. Because you want to read the Exodus story every. single. night.

MLK thanks Norway for the shiny.

Another famous mountain in AfAm culture, this time from Langston Hughes. That guy whose poem about the "crystal stair" you had to memorize for English.

Thought segregation was a thing of the past? Check the date.

Some video snippets of "Mountaintop": a liddle from the middle, plus The End.

A talk by professor Keith Miller, author of Martin Luther King's Biblical Epic: His Final, Great Speech, which is a WHOLE BOOK on "I've Been to the Mountaintop." You know you want it.

Clips of and chat about Katori Hall's 2009 play The Mountaintop, in which MLK and a maid pace around a motel room for an indeterminate period of time.

You get all 43 minutes.

It's an interview with Billy Kyles, that guy who tried to get MLK to dinner on time. Unfortunately, the food wasn't the only thing that got cold.

He'll see you…on the flip side.

Does it really take this long to microwave a potato

Yep, it's a building

How he fit a mountain in there we'll never know

"Your sign was supposed to say a man, Louis. I am a man." Protesting sanitation workers.

So close you can smell the bayonets.

Ralph Abernathy crouches by Dr. King while Andrew Young and others point toward a very loud sound.

What's it like up on Mount Nebo? This.