
Shmoop approves of overviews like these—quick, to the point, and with cool images of the original document.

This site has a cool feature where you can zoom around the actual document and see the original writing. Also includes a nice description of the document and its impact.

This is a very brief overview that combines the Teller and Platt Amendments, which go hand in hand.

A website based around the film of the same name. Excellent overview of the Spanish-American War, from yellow journalism to music of the time.
Movie or TV Productions

If you want to know about the Spanish-American War, this is your documentary.

A two-episode production about Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders and their adventures in Cuba during the Spanish-American War.
Articles and Interviews

Here is a "today in history" article about Connecticut's own Orville Platt and his amendment.

Historian and comedian (we think) John Green describes the whole era of American imperialism, which of course includes Cuba.

Mr. Hip Hughes goes over the main events of the war and discusses Cuba and the Teller & Platt Amendments to boot.

President Obama was the first U.S. President to visit Cuba since Coolidge in 1928, and you can see the news story here.

Here's a six-minute NPR story on the never-ending debate on who owns Guantanamo Bay.

A news story on Obama's 2016 visit to Cuba that was a tense one, but helped break down some barriers. As always, Guantanamo Bay is front and center of the discussions.

A political cartoon showing ol' Uncle Sam choosing which of America's conquests he'd like at the moment.

This political cartoon shows a rather disturbing Uncle Sam reaching for Caribbean islands, including Cuba. Check out those hands…creepy.