
NASA's webpage describing the tragic events of the space shuttle Challenger Disaster. It highlights the planned mission, if it had succeeded.

A thorough breakdown of what happens to your body in space. Mylanta, anyone?

NASA's webpage dedicated to those astronauts who've blasted off to the great beyond.

Some info-tainment in typical History Channel style, with its flair for the sensational.

A brief write-up on the memorial monument for the Challenger Seven: a shuttlecock for the ages.

A copy of The Gainesville Sun newspaper from the day after the Challenger Disaster. Note the overall tone of tasteful concern that characterizes the headlines.

For an amuse-bouche, check out the abstract of this meaty treaty on engineering and workplace ethics by an engineer who worked on the Challenger Mission STS-51-L, Roger M. Boisjoly.
Movie or TV Productions

An episode of the reputable television program Seconds from Disaster, complete with overacted dramatizations and the occasional Cantonese subtitle.

Two words: TV movie. Starring Barry Bostwick, a.k.a. Brad Majors from the The Rocky Horror Picture Show, this small-screen flick simply titled Challenger was most definitely made for basic cable.

Another made-for-TV movie. Called The Challenger Disaster, this one stars William Hurt of Altered States fame and is based on somewhat-more-reputable source material.

Produced on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Challenger Disaster, it profiles the individual crew members a bit more than other television documentary programs, but keeps up with them in terms of its sensationalist tone.
Articles and Interviews

An article reviewing both the disaster and Reagan's address of the nation twenty-five years after its occurrence. It provides some interesting insight into the creation of the speech.

An article reviewing both the disaster and Reagan's address to the nation thirty years after its occurrence. It provides some background from the perspective of Peggy Noonan, author of Reagan's speech.

Yet another article reviewing both the disaster and Reagan's address of the nation, also thirty years after its occurrence. Includes passages from Reagan's diary entries at that time.

Official video from the Reagan Foundation of the President's address to the nation the night of the Challenger Disaster. For your viewing pleasure, for as many time as you please.

Super technical NASA documentary investigating the possible causes of the space shuttle Challenger Disaster.

Thanks to the Canadian Space Agency, we can all learn what happens when you puke in outer space.

Actual, real-time video footage of the space shuttle Challenger exploding. You've been warned.

Original radio broadcast audio from CBS News reporting on the Challenger Disaster. Featuring a lot of people with a lot of opinions based on very little information.

Official portrait of the space shuttle Challenger crew.

Spooky photograph of the space shuttle Challenger at the moment of take-off.

Official image of Christa McAuliffe and her Teacher In Space understudy, Barbara Morgan, performing an astronaut task.

A still image of the demented-looking contrails that resulted from the space shuttle Challenger Disaster. Watch any of the documentaries listed to find out why this happened.