Home Alone Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Home Alone.

Quote #4

HARRY: You're sick, you know? You're really sick.

MARV: I'm sick…?

HARRY: Yes, you are.

MARV: I'm not sick.

HARRY: It's a sick thing to do!

Harry seems to be a somewhat more rational person—he (evidently) doesn't want to inflict damage beyond theft, whereas Marv does. At the same time, Harry doesn't really care, and might just enjoy putting Marv down.

Quote #5

MARV: Maybe he went in the church?

HARRY: I'm not going in there.

MARV: Me neither.

Clearly, the burglars have a strong aversion to church. It's outside their comfort zone—a sanctuary where they can't follow Kevin (who's actually disguised himself in the Christmas manger).

Quote #6

HARRY: Look, that house is the only reason we started working this block in the first place. Ever since I laid eyes on that house, I wanted it.

Harry's particularly obsessed with the McCallister house. And why wouldn't he be? It's practically a mansion, and Kevin's an unusually wealthy hero.