Homeless Bird Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She looked frightened. "You wouldn't take the pension back, would you? If you do, I'll have no husband." (5.19)

Chandra worries what Koly will do when she learns the truth about her widow's pension. Luckily for Chandra, Koly is a bigger person than the Mehtas, so she doesn't take her money back because she realizes how confined even Chandra is. To her, there's nothing in life aside from getting a husband.

Quote #8

I knew that Chandra was never one to think of taking care of herself, so I said no more. Still, seeing how happy she was, I began to think more often of whether one day I might be happy as well. (7.7)

After Koly tells Chandra that she's planning to run away, Chandra questions who will take care of her if Koly goes through with it. Koly knows she doesn't need a man to look after her, though; she can figure things out for herself. In many ways, she already has taken care of herself for a long time.

Quote #9

"Why should you not be happy with your husband and home?" he said. "I remember the boy waiting for you outside the store. Very polite boy. Full of energy. I could tell that from the way he paced back and forth. With such a husband you will never go hungry. But Koly, you must not stop your work. Does he understand that?" (11.47)

Mr. Das is disappointed when he learns that Koly is getting married, but he quickly figures out that it doesn't mean the end of her work. She's not going to be a housewife. This young woman can do what she loves and be married, no matter what society might prefer.