Hoot Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Dude, listen to me," Garrett said. "I don't care how you think you feel. You're sick. Really sick, okay? You need to call your mom and go home."

"What have you heard?"

"He'll be waiting after seventh period." (9.5-7)

Garrett goes straight to Roy when he hears that Dana's on the warpath. And just like any good friend would do, Garrett gives Roy the heads up and advises that he makes himself scarce.

Quote #5

Roy stood rooted in the center of the road. He had an important decision to make, and quickly. From one direction came the police car; running in the other direction were his two friends... Well, the closest things to friends that he had in Coconut Cove. (11.32-33)

Even towards the middle of the book, Roy isn't sure what to label his relationship with Beatrice and Mullet Fingers. But he sure does act like a friend by following Beatrice and getting Mullet Fingers to the hospital.

Quote #6

"They were asking him all kinds of nosy questions, Mom, and meanwhile he's about to keel over from the fever," Roy said. "Maybe what I did was wrong, but I'd do it all over again if I had to. I mean it." (13.90)

This is quite the declaration. Roy is flat out telling his mom that he is willing to lie for his friend. And while lying isn't a good habit to fall into, going to such lengths to help a friend is certainly a strong statement to make.