Hoot Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"You can't stop him, Roy. He's too darn thickheaded."

"Then I guess we've gotta join him." (16.144-145)

It's official. Roy and Beatrice are teaming up with Mullet Fingers. Prior to this, Roy certainly sided with Mullet Fingers and believed in the cause. But now, Roy is ready to take action just like his friend.

Quote #11

"What are we going to do?"

"We who?"

"You, me, and Beatrice."

"Forget about it man. I'm not draggin' you two into the middle of this mess."

"Wait, listen to me," Roy said urgently. "We already talked about this, me and Beatrice. We want to help you save the owls." (18.130-134)

Mullet Fingers is quite stubborn when it comes to accepting help. But that doesn't stop Roy from insisting that he and Beatrice want to participate.