Hoot Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Truth was, he felt totally safe. The creek was incredibly beautiful and wild; a hidden sanctuary, only twenty minutes away from his own backyard. (14.157)

Roy is in love with this place. And sanctuary is another word for shelter or safe haven, so it's certainly a contrast to how he feels on the school bus or being hunted by Dana.

Quote #5

Yet he couldn't stop thinking ahead to the day when the owl dens would be destroyed by bulldozers. He could picture the mother owls and father owls, helplessly flying in circles while their babies were being smothered under tons of dirt. (15.4)

Roy paints quite the grim picture. But in the battle between animal and machine, machine will win every time.

Quote #6

That night, lying in bed, Roy felt a stronger connection to Mullet Fingers, and a better understanding of the boy's private crusade against the pancake house. It wasn't just about the owls, it was about everything - all the birds and animals, all the wild places that were in danger of being wiped out. No wonder the kid was mad, Roy thought, and no wonder he was so determined. (16.77)

After spending a day with his family experiencing the Floridian wild, Roy finally understands the passion behind Mullet Fingers' desire to stop Mother Paula's. Mullet Fingers has a connection to Coconut Cove similar to the one Roy has to Bozeman, Montana.