Hoot True or False

1. "Beatrice, if you're going to beat me up, could you please hurry up and get it over with? My mom and dad are probably calling the National Guard right now." -> Mullet Fingers
2. "I'm going to check on Roy now [...] In the meantime, you two might want to polish up your story." -> One of the burrowing owls
3. "Honey, sometimes you're going to be faced with situations where the line isn't clear between what's right and what's wrong. Your heart will tell you to do one thing, and your brain will tell you to do something different. In the end, all that's left is to look at both sides and go with your best judgment." -> Mrs. Eberhardt
4. "Lissen to me, boy. You didn't see no damn owls, okay? What you saw was a...was a wild chicken!" -> Curly
5. "Don't worry, little guy, [...] You're safe for now." -> Beatrice
