The Host Resources

Stephenie Meyer (you know, the author) has more Host news and behind-the-scenes tidbits than you can shake a Cheeto at.

The publisher of The Host has even more Host-y goodness, with a discussion board, movie news, and more.
Movie or TV Productions

The Host movie is directed by Andrew Nichol, who also did the sci-fi/fantasy classics The Truman Show and Gattaca, both movies with identity issues.

Being the author of the book has its perks. Stephenie Meyer knows all sorts of scoop about The Host movie. (And she knows how to pronounce "Saoirse," the star of the movie.)
Articles and Interviews

Stephenie Meyer talks about her transition from vamps to aliens in this interview.

At a book signing in Denver in 2008, Stephenie Meyer answered a few questions about The Host (who's her favorite character?) and offered some advice on getting published. (Write about sparkly vampires.)

Want to know what it's like to work with Stephenie Meyer? Just ask Jake. Jake Abel, that is, who plays Ian in The Host adaptation.

In this video, Stephenie Meyer and Andrew Niccol talk about adapting The Host to film and the possibility of a sequel to the novel. Steph, stop doing interviews and start writing!

The Host all about the aftermath of an alien invasion. We're not sure what the actual invasion was like, but we imagine it was kind of like the classic film Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Watch the trailer here.

Get a sneak peek at the movie with this delightfully creepy teaser trailer for The Host.

Stephenie Meyer talks about the conflict between Wanda and Melanie and the evolution of the characters. No one says it better than the author herself!

Want to hear a voice other than the ones inside your own head? Listen to the audiobook of The Host.

If you need a little more help getting into the mood of The Host, check out this playlist, made from Stephenie Meyer's suggestions.

If you see someone with a silver ring in their eye, and this someone is not on the cover of The Host, you better run!

Want to know what Wanda/Melanie looks like in the movie? Here's a photo of Saoirse Ronan and Jake Abel, who play Melanie/Wanda and Ian.

Here's one artist's representation of what Wanda looks like outside her host. Cuddly or creepy?