Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

By the time Saturday rolled around, Henry longed to talk to someone—anyone. He had tried to catch Sheldon during the week, but there was never any time before school. After school, Sheldon was always performing at the Black Elks Club, which had just reopened. (36.10)

Because no one is talking to him at school or at home, Henry is starting to feel pretty desperate for some human companionship. He can't wait to go visit Keiko at Camp Harmony—at least she'll talk to him.

Quote #8

The words were a strange comfort. Was this acceptance? Was that what this was? The sense of belonging was foreign to him, something alien and awkward, like writing with your left hand or putting your pants on inside out. (41.10)

Henry is so alienated and ignored in his own home that he's amazed when Keiko's parents treat him with kindness and warmth. He actually feels like he belongs with their family instead of his own cold parents.

Quote #9

For his father, leaving at age thirteen was a matter of pride, even though, deep down, Henry sensed a lot of emptiness and sadness along with it. Now on the bus heading home, he knew what his father had felt. Hurt and loneliness—but also a need to do what was right. (43.3)

Even though Henry doesn't see eye-to-eye on things with his father, he still understands that his father acts in certain ways because he's had a difficult life. He's dealt with a lot of loneliness and pain, and it's turned him bitter.