Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

His mother knew, somehow she knew. Maybe it was the loss of appetite; mothers notice those things. The distracted longing. Feelings can only be hidden so long from those who really pay attention… All because of you, he thought. I wish I could think of something else—someone else—but I can't. Is this what love feels like? (36.53)

Although Henry doesn't talk about real emotional topics with his parents, his mother still knows what's up with him. She can see that he's fallen in love with a girl for the first time, and that it's doing a number on him.

Quote #8

Their good-bye had been a formal one. After he'd decided to let her go (for her own good, he reminded himself), he'd kept a polite distance, not wanting to make it harder on either of them. She was his best friend. More than a friend, really. Much more. The thought of her leaving was killing him, but the thought of telling her how he really felt and then watching her go, that was more than his small heart could manage. (38.4)

It's heartbreaking for Henry to watch the girl that he loves—the first girl he's ever loved—walk away from him. But what can he possibly do? He's just a kid; he can't stand up to the whole U.S. government.

Quote #9

"Good morning, Henry. How's it feel to be a prisoner for a day?"

Henry looked at Keiko. "Best day of my life."

Keiko found her smile all over again. (41.28-30)

Henry loves Keiko so much that even being in a prison camp seems better than being at home with his parents—as long as he gets to be with her. He doesn't care about anything else; he wants to spend time with the girl he loves.