Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He'd be thirteen in a few months; maybe this was what it meant to stop being a boy and start being something else, Henry thought as he put his coat back on and headed for the door. He couldn't leave the photos outside.

He turned to his father. "I'm leaving to get her photos. I told her I'd keep them for her—just until she gets back. And I'm going to keep my promise." (35.47-48)

Henry has to make a tough decision when his father throws Keiko's photo albums out the window: He has to stand up for what he believes in personally instead of just blindly following orders.

Quote #8

"You did say good-bye…"

"Not the way I should have. I was so worried about my family. Worried about everything. I was confused. I didn't know what I wanted. I didn't know what good-bye really was." (39.141-142)

After Keiko and her family leave Camp Harmony, Henry realizes that he can't live his life guided by fear and worry. He has to follow his truth—and that's to seek out Keiko and tell her that he loves her.

Quote #9

"Loyalty. We're still loyal to the United States of America. Why? Because we too are Americans. We don't agree, but we will show our loyalty by our obedience. Do you understand, Henry?" (41.39)

Despite all the things that have happened to Japanese American citizens, Mr. Okabe still considers himself a proud American. He's not going to give up on the United States even though he's being treated so poorly by the government.