How the García Girls Lost Their Accents True or False

1. When Yoyo's father forbids her from giving the speech she wrote for her ninth grade ceremony, what does she call him? -> A big meanie-head.
2. Why do Papi and Fifi have a huge falling out? -> Papi snoops in Fifi's drawers and reads her love letters, then gets mad because she's obviously having sex.
3. Why is it scandalous for Fifi to be dating Manuel Gustavo? -> he's her illegitimate cousin
4. When Sandi peeks into a shed in her art teacher's backyard, what does she see? -> a crazy naked sculptor doing sexual things to a statue of the Virgin Mary
5. Why does Papi get super embarrassed at his seventieth birthday party? -> He doesn't want people to know how old he is.
