Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #16

All the loafers looked glad; I reckoned they was used to having fun out of Boggs. One of them says: (21.31)

Alcoholics are presented as an inferior bunch, to be made fun of by others.

Quote #17

"Wonder who he's a-gwyne to chaw up this time. If he'd a-chawed up all the men he's ben a-gwyne to chaw up in the last twenty year he'd have considerable ruputation now." (21.32)

A drunken man in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is rarely seen as anything else – Twain depicts drinking in an all-or-nothing fashion. Logically, we know that drinking is not so black and white, so why is it here? Does Twain have a bias against alcohol, or does Huck only see alcoholics when they’re at their most destructive? In this world, no one can have just one glass of wine and call it a night. In the novel, alcohol is a dehumanizing source of evil.

Quote #18

Another one says, "I wisht old Boggs 'd threaten me, 'cuz then I'd know I warn't gwyne to die for a thousan' year." (21.33)

The townspeople find camaraderie in their superiority over the local wino.