Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #25

So me and the duke went up to the village, and hunted around there for the king, and by and by we found him in the back room of a little low doggery, very tight, and a lot of loafers bullyragging him for sport, and he a-cussing and a-threatening with all his might, and so tight he couldn't walk, and couldn't do nothing to them. The duke he begun to abuse him for an old fool, and the king begun to sass back, and the minute they was fairly at it I lit out and shook the reefs out of my hind legs, and spun down the river road like a deer, for I see our chance; and I made up my mind that it would be a long day before they ever see me and Jim again. (31.4)

Huck takes advantage of the king’s drinking to escape, just as he tried to escape his drunken father.

Quote #26

"Well," I says, "when I see the king in that doggery yesterday I says to myself, we can't get him home for hours, till he's soberer; so I went a-loafing around town to put in the time and wait. (31.34)

The duke recognizes the debilitating effects of alcohol on the king, but this doesn’t seem to stop him from drinking himself.

Quote #27

"Blamed if I know – that is, what's become of the raft. That old fool had made a trade and got forty dollars, and when we found him in the doggery the loafers had matched half-dollars with him and got every cent but what he'd spent for whisky; and when I got him home late last night and found the raft gone, we said, 'That little rascal has stole our raft and shook us, and run off down the river.'" (31.35)

The king makes alcohol his first priority when he acquires money, just as Huck’s father did.