The Hurt Locker Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Hurt Locker.

Quote #4

ELDRIDGE: Hey, it's Mr. "Be All You Can Be." What's up, doc?

CAMBRIDGE: Not much. How are you?

ELDRIDGE: I'm good. Got a question about that song, though. "Be All You Can Be." What if all I can be is dead on the side of an Iraqi road? I mean, I think it's logical. This is a war. People die all the time. Why not me?

CAMBRIDGE: You got to change the record in your head. You gotta start thinking about other things, okay? Stop obsessing. Right now, what are you thinking about?

ELDRIDGE: You want to know what I'm thinking about, doc?


ELDRIDGE: This is what I'm thinking about, doc. Here's Thompson, okay. He's dead, he's alive. Here's Thompson. He's dead, he's alive. He's dead, he's alive.

Eldridge is obsessed with how close he is to death at all times. He's clearly agreed to meet with the doc to try to deal with all this fear, but it doesn't look like it's working all that well. To help him out, the doctor tries to get him to focus on something other than death—but to no avail.

Quote #5

CONTRACTOR TEAM LEADER: You guys are wired f***ing tight, you know that?

The head of a British contracting team says this after Eldridge, Sanborn, and Will basically treat him and his colleagues like enemies—forcing them on the ground, disarming them, the whole bit—before realizing they're all on the same side. Apparently, the Americans are a lot more on edge than the Brits.

Quote #6

ELDRIDGE: I was scared.

WILL: Yeah? Well, everyone's a coward about something, you know? You're good. You're real good.

When Eldridge and Will are getting drunk together, Eldridge admits to the obvious: he was scared when they got into a shootout with some enemy combatants out in the desert. We assume Will is joking with the coward comment since being scared in a war zone is understandable. It's way different from the kind of garden-variety stuff that "everyone" could be a "coward about."