The Hurt Locker War Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Hurt Locker.

Quote #4

COLONEL: You the guy in the flaming car, Sergeant James?

WILL: Afternoon, sir. Uh, yes, sir.

COLONEL: Well, that's just hot s***. You're a wild man, you know that? He's a wild man, you know that? I want to shake your hand.

WILL: Thank you, sir.

COLONEL: Yeah. How many bombs have you disarmed?

WILL: Uh, I'm not quite sure.

COLONEL: Sergeant?

WILL: Yes, sir.

COLONEL: I asked you a question.

WILL: Eight hundred seventy-three, sir.

COLONEL: Eight hundred! And seventy-three. Eight hundred and seventy-three. That's just hot s***. Eight hundred and seventy-three.

WILL: Counting today, sir, yes.

COLONEL: That's gotta be a record. What's the best way to go about disarming one of these things?

WILL: The way you don't die, sir.

COLONEL: That's a good one. That's spoken like a wild man. That's good.

Sanborn and Eldridge might not be impressed with Will's approach to navigating the war zone, but Colonel Reed more than makes up for their lack of enthusiasm. He's loving Will's cowboy attitude.

Quote #5

CAMBRIDGE: You know, this doesn't have to be a bad time in your life. Going to war is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It could be fun.

ELDRIDGE: And you know this from your extensive work in the field, right?

CAMBRIDGE: I've done my field duty.

ELDRIDGE: Where was that? Yale?

CAMBRIDGE: Look, you don't want me to come around, I won't come around. These talks are voluntary.

ELDRIDGE: Look, I'm sorry. I appreciate what you're saying, I do. I appreciate our sessions together. But you need to come out from behind the wire and see what we do.

CAMBRIDGE: Well, if the circumstance calls for it, I will. Just like every other soldier.

Hmm, yeah, we can understand why Eldridge might bristle at the suggestion that he should be having fun with the whole could-get-blown-up-at-any-moment experience of working EOD. The doc tries to say that he's done his field duty, but somehow we don't think he understands the constant fear and risk that Eldridge experiences.

Quote #6

BECKHAM: You're an EOD? Boomala, boomala?

WILL: That's right.

BECKHAM: It's fun, no? It's cool? It's gangster. Yeah?

WILL: Yeah, I think so.

Will is basically the opposite of Eldridge, in terms of his attitude about service and combat. Even if he doesn't use the word "fun" like Cambridge does, he agrees with Beckham's choices of "cool" and "gangster."