Hush, Hush Theme of Good vs. Evil

We like to think of angels as benevolent beings, lolling about in their white robes and halos, occasionally intervening on behalf of us mere mortals when we need a helping hand. That pretty picture could not be further from the storyline of Hush, Hush, though, which gives us a slew of angels and half-angels susceptible to evil. Evil gets more attention than good with characters representing three of the seven deadly sins: Patch is lustful, Jules is angry, and Dabria is jealous.

The book examines how characters succumb to sin and embrace their evil sides, but it also explores how characters can move from evil to good. The pull between good and evil is especially prevalent in Patch's character, and much of the book is about whether he is good or bad. We don't know about you, but the verdict's still out on that one for us.

Questions About Good vs. Evil

  1. Is it Chauncey's fault that he's evil or is that just part of his biological makeup? How does Patch complicate or support your understanding of Chauncey?
  2. Does the book show evil in varying forms and varying degrees through multiple characters? For instance, do characters such as Vee, Elliot, Dabria, Jules, and Patch all show different versions of evil?
  3. Is Nora evil at all? Why or why not? Are there any characters that display absolute and unwavering goodness?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

By the end of the book, Patch abandons his evil ways and turns to the good.

Patch's interest in Nora is just another version of the lust that caused him to fall in the first place.