Hush, Hush Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Bloggers have called Fitzpatrick out for using bio class as the setting for Patch and Nora's first meeting because that's a move Stephenie Meyer already made in Twilight. Turns out, Fitzpatrick wasn't copping Meyer's idea—instead she was basing the scene off an experience from her own high school days when her bio teacher asked her to name qualities she would look for in a mate. Can you imagine a teacher asking something like that? Talk about mortifying.

Nora cyberstalks Patch in the book, but can't find any trace of him online: no Facebook, no blog, no Myspace (Myspace? What's Myspace? Knock, knock. 2004, is that you?). Google him now, and you'll find him all over social media with fan-fueled Facebook and Twitter pages. And it seems he is an international man of mystery because the pages are often in languages other than English.

A graphic novel version of Hush, Hush was published in 2012 by Sea Lion Books.

Becca Fitzpatrick eats ice cream every day and would rather wear flannel pajamas than a snuggie. Good to know, right?