hush Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Why are you copper pennies sitting there with your mouths open? he said, laughing. You act like you've never seen me before in your life.

And we hadn't—not like that. Not standing there looking like someone who would protect us from the world ending. Someone who could, if he had to, push us behind him then stop an oncoming bullet with his hand. (4.2-3)

The girls see Daddy as an invincible Superman, which is part of why it is so traumatic for them to realize that he has weaknesses. The man who sits by a window and doesn't eat or bathe is not their amazing Daddy, and this throws them for a loop.

Quote #5

"Because I've got two daughters. Two. You think I brought them into this world to turn around and watch them get killed for no reason at all? That could have been Toswiah with a hat on standing there. They could have seen her and saw something threatening." Daddy raised his voice quickly then lowered it again. "That could have been my girl. It could have been my wife at the other end of that phone line being told her daughter had been shot!" (5.39)

This is what it comes down to for Daddy: Raymond Taylor was part of someone's family, and Daddy sees that it could have happened to someone in his own family. In getting justice for Raymond Taylor, he is at least partially trying to protect his own daughters.

Quote #6

Me and Cameron sat there, my love for Daddy blossoming into something deeper, Cameron's disgust growing fast as a weed. (7.2)

Why do you think it happens like this? Cameron/Anna hates Daddy for doing this to the family, while Toswiah/Evie is just as traumatized, but more concerned for Daddy. What does the difference in their reactions say about the two girls?