hush Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Toswiah was my grandmother's name and her mother's name, too. Whenever I told someone my name for the first time, I had to spell it out for them. Toswiah, I'd say slowly—pronouncing it Tos-wee-ah so that it didn't get mispronounced. Then I'd wait for them to go on about how unusual it was. I am tall and narrow like Cameron and Mama. We wear our hair in the same way—pulled back into a braid that stops between our shoulders. Our hair is kinky enough to stay braided without any elastics or barrettes. We all three have the same square jaw and sharp cheekbones. Striking, my mother used to say. (8.12)

Toswiah/Evie's identity with her family is bound up in her name, but it comes from other things, too. Being forced to change her name throws her for a loop, though, when it comes to feeling connected to the people she is from.

Quote #8

"I think I was switched at birth and separated from my real parents," she said. "They're sane and living somewhere in Colorado. They have some other children, including your real sister, who they took home by mistake, instead of me. She's a lot more like you than I am. They go on picnics. My real mother's into line dancing. It embarrasses my real sister and brother, just like it would embarrass me. Your real sister doesn't care, though. It makes my mother happy." (9.7)

Cameron/Anna makes this story up. Why do you think she wants to be part of another family? Is it just about the relocation or is there more to it?

Quote #9

When we fight, Mama says It's because you two are too close in age, and Anna gets that look—her eyebrows shooting up and out like a bat's wings, her lips getting thin. Fifteen months is fifteen months, she says. It makes all the difference. (11.1)

Again, Cameron/Anna is trying to pull away from her family. What's behind her need for absolute independence?