hush Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The second time the raspy voice called, my mother snatched the phone out of the wall and screamed. I was sitting at the kitchen table eating a jelly sandwich. (5.4)

Ack, go away, raspy voice—you just don't go with jelly sandwiches. Ugh. The juxtaposition of the normal/abnormal makes this pretty terrifying.

Quote #5

"That could have been my girl. It could have been my wife at the other end of that phone line being told her daughter had been shot!"

I stared down at my hands, trying to imagine Mama getting a call that I'd been killed. I saw my own house collapsing in on itself, the roof and walls crumbling. (5.39-40)

As if this situation weren't already scary enough, the Greens start imagining that it's much worse: That one of them had been killed instead. Is that why Daddy testifies?

Quote #6

When I ran downstairs, Mama was slumped against the dining room wall, her head in her hands. Daddy was beside her, his arms around her shoulders. Cameron stood in the corner of the dining room, hugging herself hard. Glass covered the kitchen table and floor. The bullet holes were like small black caves against the white kitchen wall. I stared at them without blinking. I was not afraid. Some part of us that had been the same way forever was gone. The holes in the walls proved it. (6.11)

It's interesting that in this truly terrifying moment, when there is an actual threat, Toswiah/Evie doesn't feel afraid. Why do you think that is?