hush Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The men were quiet, tall. One black. One white. When Cameron asked where the next place was, the men said it was too unsafe to tell us. We climbed into a van with blacked-out windows. (8.9)

Um… so scary. Climbing into a van with blacked-out windows is generally not a safe thing to do, and it's scary even when it's driven by the good guys—the good guys who can't tell you where you're going because it's too dangerous.

Quote #8

I wanted to be brave. (9.4)

Is Toswiah/Evie ever brave? Why does she think she's not?

Quote #9

I want to tell you where we are now, but I'm afraid. (11.1)

Toswiah/Evie is addressing the reader here. She can't tell us where she is for any number of reasons—someone who wants to hurt her family might find out, or even worse, we might not be trustworthy ourselves. Poor kid.