hush Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I didn't tell her that Lulu and I had made promises. We'd go to the same college. We'd room together. We had already picked the school—University of Wisconsin in Madison, because Lulu's father had gone there and always talked about how big and beautiful it was. Far enough away from Denver and this place. I'd have a new name. I'd be taller. But from the incubator till thirteen is a long, long time. She'd remember me. (9.15)

What do you think of Toswiah/Evie's plans? Is this something that's likely to happen? Is it something the Feds would even allow to happen? Would it put Toswiah/Evie in danger? Or is this just something Toswiah/Evie tells herself to help herself through?

Quote #5

Mama didn't want us to make friends. It's too dangerous, she said. I know how you girls tell your friends every single thing. There'll be time for friends, she said. Let's just get ourselves good and settled in who we are first. (12.8)

Mama has a point: It would be really hard to have a friend you couldn't tell your biggest secret. Hopefully the girls will be able to find ways to reveal their pasts in the future.

Quote #6

Some days I could feel her—right there by my side, bumping shoulders with me. The two of us laughing. Lulu. I pulled my knapsack tighter to me and swallowed. Once she had said that my moving away was gonna leave a big hole in her life. Now I wondered if she had found someone else to be close to, if that hole had filled up and closed over. Even though I believed we'd meet again in college, sometimes the missing made me feel unsure. Now I was almost as tall as my mother. I wondered if Lulu had grown, too. Her mother would say Look at Miss Toswiah—getting all tall on us. And Lulu would laugh her laugh while I stood there in embarrassment. I would give anything for that moment. Absolutely positively anything. (13.12)

Toswiah/Evie is afraid that she and Lulu will grow apart, that no contact will mean the end of the relationship. It's hard because she and Lulu both need that wound to heal, but allowing healing means letting go, and Toswiah/Evie doesn't want to let go.