hush Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Lulu and I always found some way to be together on our birthday. Me, her and all of our friends. I want to call her right now, say Happy birthday, girlie. Hear her say Right back at you. Same day, a few minutes apart. Less than five pounds. You think we were together in another life? she asked me once, her head on my shoulder.

Yeah, I said. And then we traveled together to this one. Another life. Another time. Lulu. (14.5-6)

Consider our heartstrings tugged. Toswiah/Evie starts out talking about how she and Lulu were friends in another life, but she ends up talking about how her life in Denver now seems like another life—and she can't bring Lulu into this new life.

Quote #8

She is thirty-nine. Before all of this happened, she was making plans for her fortieth birthday party. Her invite list was two pages long. Her friends are gone now, too. Behind her. No contact. (14.41)

In their own pain, Toswiah/Evie and Cameron/Anna often don't think about what their parents are going through. This reminds us that Mama lost a lot, too, including all her friends.

Quote #9

"Your legs are long," Mira says. She smiles and pulls up to the front of the group. I take a deep breath, feeling warm. My legs are long, I keep thinking. Yes. Yes. My legs are long. It is the friendliest thing anyone has said to me in a long time. (17.24)

Why is this such a big deal to Toswiah/Evie? Is it really such a friendly gesture to tell someone they have long legs?