hush Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

My name is Evie now, and here is Evie's story. She grew up in San Francisco—Pine off Divisadero. Kind of the border between Pacific Heights and Western Addition. Yeah, of course she knows where Golden Gate Park is. She used to go there all the time. Did you ever see the two-headed snake at the Exploratorium? Did you ever go to the Pork Store Restaurant? Yeah, Evie loved shopping in the Haight, too. They have the coolest clothes over there! But you know what she really misses? Ghirardelli's at the Wharf. And good sourdough bread and clam chowder. Don't you? (2.19)

Yes, yes, we miss all those things right now. San Francisco sounds awesome, for a place Toswiah/Evie has never been. Can you imagine having to pretend you lived somewhere you didn't? Give it a shot: What do you say?

Quote #5

I am not the girl. I am not the dog. Who am I?
WhoAmI? (3.4-7)

This is the million dollar question hush is concerned with. Who is Toswiah/Evie now? Who are her family members? Can they ever be anything like the same people? Will they be worse? Will they be better?

Quote #6

Toswiah and Cameron—Jonathan and Shirley Green's girls. My name is Evie now. Evil Evie. Evie Ivie Over. Here comes a teacher with a big fat stick....For more than thirteen years I'd been Toswiah. Then came an end to that system of things.

First they took our names away. (8.15)

We bet it's a thankless job to be a federal agent responsible for relocating people in witness protection because you're not the bad guy—you really are trying to protect people from harm—but you sure seem like the bad guy because you're the one saying "no" all the time, taking people from their homes in the middle of the night, forcing them to pick new names, withholding information. Sounds like a tough job to us.