hush Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I don't want to be strong!" Anna said. "I just want...I just want to be who I am! Who I always was!" (16.49)

Anna is really vocal about how much she hates their new situation. Does she hate it more than Evie does, or does she just have a more outspoken way of presenting her concerns?

Quote #8

Anna turned and saw me. "God, you're such a freak!"

I stared at her but didn't say anything. Does it matter what I am, I wanted to scream, if I'm not anyone?! (16.77-78)

Stuck between two identities, Toswiah/Evie feels like she doesn't even exist.

Quote #9

I stood in my bedroom listening to the song, feeling a smile coming on. I am Toswiah Green. I am Evie Thomas. And some days I like and love either and both of me. (26.4)

Toswiah/Evie eventually concludes that she can be both people. Can she really? What do you think she means when she claims both identities? What kind of conflict can this cause?