How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Yeah, I'd type the stupid paper, I told him. (8.57)
Sometimes Dominick's loyalty to Thomas borders on enabling. By doing Thomas's work for him, he makes it easier for Thomas to slack off later.
Quote #5
I feel bad for him. And mad. And humiliated. Kids are looking at me, too, not just at Thomas. (10.45)
Dominick might stand up for Thomas, but he hates being associated with him. He's embarrassed by him. But in this case, maybe the other kids just don't know which twin is which… not like that would be a good thing for Dominick's ego, either.
Quote #6
"Winning the trust of someone suffering from paranoid schizophrenia is a long, slow process. […] And a tenuous one. A rickety bridge." (15.23)
Trust and loyalty is important when it comes to building a relationship with a person who has schizophrenia. They are naturally paranoid and wary, so the slightest betrayal can be the end of the world for them.