How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"Why don't you worry about yourself for once instead of your brother?" (30.138)
Joy might not be the most loyal partner (she cheats on Dominick, among other things), but in this way, Joy is loyal to him: She doesn't want him to take care of Thomas at the expense of himself.
Quote #8
"My mother. I promised her I'd take care of him." (36.11)
Perhaps Dominick is less loyal to Thomas than he is to his mother and the promise he made her to take care of Thomas when she died. Do you think this matters?
Quote #9
When we pulled into the parking lot at McDonald's, who pulls in right behind us, honking, but Leo. (40.202)
We can't think of many good qualities Leo has, but loyalty is one of them. He's always nearby to support Dominick, and therefore Thomas, whenever they need him; they don't even have to ask.