How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"It wasn't that simple. I mean, hey, it's not like Ray ever helped the situation much. But he didn't cause Thomas's illness. His brain caused it. It's biological. Chemical." (7.103)
Could it be possible that Thomas's illness is a combination of nature and nurture (or lack of)? Perhaps he's born with the potential for mental illness, and Ray's abuse triggers it. This could explain why Thomas gets sick but not Dominick, a question that comes up for Dominick.
Quote #5
"Why? So you can sell my secrets to the Iraqis? Hand my head on a platter to the CIA?" (15.182)
One of the most disturbing aspects of Thomas's illness is his extreme paranoia, part of which probably evolves from the fact that, as a child, everyone was out to get him, from Ray, to his boss, to his classmates. As he gets older, Thomas needs to invent more enemies.
Quote #6
"Progress in that he was much more verbal than he had been. Much more trusting and communicative. Which is good." (15.282)
Because of Thomas's paranoia, he has trouble trusting anyone—for all he knows, Dr. Patel could be working for the Ayatollah or something. His simply talking to her doesn't seem like a huge step, but it is.