How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"I mean, we're twins, right? It's going to happen eventually, isn't it?" (17.177)
Some mental illness runs in the family, so Dominick, as a twin, has reason to be afraid. Or is this just part of Thomas's paranoia manifesting itself in Dominick? There's no way to know for sure.
Quote #8
He's nuts, I told myself. Told it to the mirror in front of me. He's f***ing nuts. (20.193)
Yes, Thomas is nuts, but Dominick is the one talking to himself in the mirror, so…
Quote #9
What if it wasn't a game? And if it wasn't, what the f*** was it? What was happening? (21.97)
It's easy to write off mental illness as something else, especially when the mentally ill person is still a teenager. They could just be acting out for attention. But it's dangerous to let it go on unchecked.