How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"It could have been worse. It could have been a 3-to-2 recommendation to retain him here." (26.53)
Again, we see a situation that is out of Dominick's control and this makes him very angry. At least he's not the Incredible Hulk, or he'd have Dominick-smashed someone by this point.
Quote #8
"At least we still have one last chance to lobby for his release tomorrow." (26.53)
Lisa Sheffer is once again good at helping Dominick navigate the rules; she is willing to do whatever it takes to free Thomas. Without someone on the inside, Dominick would probably be completely helpless and lost.
Quote #9
His case would be reviewed again in October 1991 and an appropriate decision would be made at that time as to his release or his placement for a second twelve-month period. (30.271)
Many of the rules within the mental health facility are time sensitive. Appeals have to be made within a certain time, for instance, and patients are held for certain lengths of time. There is tons of waiting involved.