How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"If the PSRB [Psychiatric Security Review Board] gets ahold of someone on the insanity plea," Sheffer said, "they can keep him at Hatch indefinitely. Which they've intended to do." (9.154)
While Thomas is inside Hatch, Dominick is driving himself crazy trying to navigate all the rules and regulations around getting him transferred… if it's even possible.
Quote #5
"The fifteen-day paper's airtight, Dominick," she said. "There's no way in hell you're getting your brother out of here today. It's out of your hands. Thomas is going to be here for fifteen court-ordered days, minimum." (9.168)
Dominick isn't used to being told what to do, but the rules in this case are inflexible. One of the most frustrating things here is the fact that Dominick can't do anything; he can only wait.
Quote #6
"Get those bruises of yours looked at. […] In case, you know, you needed some documentation. A little leverage for later on. A bargaining tool with the state of Connecticut… Of course, you didn't get that idea from a company gal like me. I'd never suggest something like that." (9.213)
Lisa Sheffer isn't afraid to break the rules for causes she really believes in, and this suggestion of hers is what allows the events at the end of the novel to happen, for better or for worse.