I Never Promised You a Rose Garden True or False

1. Who said, "I never promised you a rose garden. I never promised you perfect justice [...]"? -> Dr. Fried
2. Who announces "I am a hundred square-yards sane"? -> Deborah
3. Who believes that there is a substance that kind oozes out of her/him and that "It's a quality of myself, a secretion, like sweat [...] and it is poisonous"? -> A cobra
4. Who throws up her/his hands and shouts: "'Make him well,' they say. 'Make her well' they say, 'with good table manners and a future according to our agreed-on dream!'"? -> Dr. Fried
5. Which patient says about Doris Rivera: "She got well and went out and she's working, and we got frightened because we might someday…have to be 'well' and be in the world"? -> Dr. Fried
