The Iceman Cometh Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act)

Quote #4

PEARL: It’s champagne! Jees, Hickey, if you ain’t a sport! (2)

Even when everybody is mad at him, Hickey finds the perfect little way to get people back on his side. It might be a free bottle of champagne or a quick line. In the end, it’s these things that they’ll all remember Hickey for, not for almost ruining their lives or killing his wife.

Quote #5

HICKEY: But I do know a lot about him just the same. I’ve had hell inside me. I can spot it in others. (2)

This one’s gained some fame, because it sums up Hickey’s ability to read people and his dark past in the matter of a couple of short sentences. For a guy who writes four-hour plays, O’Neill can still boil things down to their essence pretty neatly at times.

Quote #6

MCGLOIN: I’m telling you, Ed, it’s serious this time. That bastard, Hickey, has got Harry on his hip. (2)

Ah, a manipulator complaining about someone else manipulating his target. That’s classic stuff. That’s an “I don’t really want this ice cream but I’m going to lick it so no one else will eat it” type move. It’s perfect for manipulators and six-year-olds.