The Iceman Cometh Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act)

Quote #7

CORA: Hickey just told us, ain’t it time we beat it, if we’re really goin’. So we’re showin’ the bastard, ain’t we, Honey? (3)

Hickey’s so good he convinces people they’re showing him up by doing exactly what he wants them to do. Sure, he might be a messed up guy with some serious issues, but he’s kind of like a wizard, too.

Quote #8

HICKEY: Because I know exactly what you’re up against boys. I know how damned yellow a man can be when it comes to making himself face the truth. (3)

How is this similar to earlier tactics Hickey has used to manipulate the group?

Quote #9

HICKEY: Jimmy made the grade. It’s up to you. If he’s got the guts to go through with the test, then certainly you—(3)

When all else fails, create competition and subtly imply that someone is a coward. Works every time. Seriously, though, don’t do that. It’s not cool at all.