If Resources


This Site Has Nothing to Do with Bores or Boars

Nope—this site is devoted to the Second Boer War.

Those Manly Victorians

This site is dedicated to Victorian ideas of manliness, with a great section on Stoicism.

"It Matters Not How Strait the Gate"

Check out "Invictus," another poem that is very similar to "If."

Rudyard's Nobel

Well, here's what the prize committee had to say about old Rudyard when Kipling won the award.

The Man Himself

Check out an online biography of Sir Leander Starr Jameson.


Smash Cut Treatment

Here's a guy in a lot of different outfits reading the poem.

Cinematic Trailer

Here's a pretty moving video montage, featuring tons of movie clips.

Hopper Does Kipling

Wow, this is so cool. Dennis Hopper, Johnny Cash, Rudyard Kipling—'nuf said.

World Cup '98

"If" closes out the most famous tournament in the world.

Oh, So That's What that Song was About

Here's the music video for the AC/DC song "Stiff Upper Lip."


Caine Does Kipling

Yes, this is the guy that plays Alfred in those Batman movies.

Great Reading

Here's a deep, rich rendition.


Older Rudyard

There he is with those trademark glasses.

Younger Kipling

Now here's one you don't see everyday.

Sir Leander Starr Jameson

Hmm, he must have been younger when all that craziness went down.

Articles and Interviews

"A Swashbuckling Renegade," Eh?

Here's a short article about the story behind the composition of "If."


Something of Myself

Kipling's last work—this ought to be interesting.

Kipling's Poems

If you feel like buying a book of poetry, well… this might be a good choice.

Movies & TV

The Jungle Book

Oh look, there's a live action version of it.