In the Time of the Butterflies Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I had built my house on solid rock, all right.

Or I should say, Pedrito's great-grandfather had built it over a hundred years back, and then each first son had lived in it and passed it on. But you have to understand, Patria Mercedes was in those timbers, in the nimble workings of the transoms, she was in those wide boards on the floor and in that creaky door opening on its old hinges. (2.8.5)

Patria refers to the Bible, a parable by Jesus that says that anyone who listens to his teachings is like a wise man building his house on solid rock instead of sand. Religious Patria sees her husband's family's past as the solid rock that will keep her own family rooted and safe.