In the Time of the Butterflies Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I turned around and saw the packed pews, hundreds of weary, upturned faces, and it was as if I'd been facing the wrong way all my life. My faith stirred. It kicked and somersaulted in my belly, coming alive. […]

And I heard her answer me with the coughs and cries and whispers of the crowd: Here, Patria Mercedes, I'm here, all around you. I've already more than appeared. (1.4.125-128)

Patria loses her faith when her baby is born dead, so it's a nice image that when it comes back to her, it's as though she were impregnated with faith. She feels it like she would feel a fetus in her uterus, moving in her belly. But now she doesn't look up to find her faith, she finds it in the faces of the people around her.