In the Time of the Butterflies Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

She says we don't want to create a class system in our cell, the haves and have nots. (We don't? What about when Tiny gave Dinorah a dulce de leche as payment for her favors, and she didn't offer anyone a crumb, even Miguelito?)

Minerva gives me a speech about how Dinorah's a victim of our corrupt system, which we are helping to bring down by giving her some of our milk fudge. (3.11.69-70)

Minerva takes her communist ideals to the prison cell, forcing her sister to share anything their family sends in the secret care packages with the other prisoners. This is her way of spreading her revolutionary messages through actions, not just words. Even though the other prisoners aren't "politicals" but rather just common criminals, she wants to convert them to her cause.