In The Woods Resources


Scene of the Crime (Writer)

French's site details all her crimes. Well, her crime novels.

French's Book

No, not her new book, but her Facebook.

Articles and Interviews

Writer's Block

French likens trying to come up with writing ideas to Rob trying to recover his memories in In the Woods. We hope French's writing life is less scary than being in those woods.

Speaking French

Well, speaking with French about her genre-defying novel.


French in the Woods

These woods where French is interviewed seem downright quaint compared to the spooky forest in her book… well until French starts staring creepily at us through the leaves.

Girl Gone in the Woods

Rincey Reads compares In the Woods with Gone Girl…and holds up a copy of In the Woods for a really long time.


A How-to for You

French spills the beans on how she tries to see a mystery in anything. Could the Shmoop Murders be her next book?

Don't Miss a Mystery

NPR chose In the Woods as a book not to miss in 2007 thanks to its plot full of twists and turns.


Foreign Woods

This cover of the In the Woods is a lot creepier than the American cover. We do not want to go to there.

You in There?

French seems nice… until she lurks in the trees. After reading this book, we don't trust anyone in the woods.