In The Woods Themes

In The Woods Themes

Lies and Deceit

A mystery novel just wouldn't be a mystery novel without lies. Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot would have no problem solving cases if the guilty party just fessed up to it—but it also wouldn't be...

Memories and the Past

In any situation, everyone involved will have a different memory of what happen. This is especially true whenever there's a crime. "He fell down the stairs." "She pushed him." "He backed into the k...


Almost all stories try to manipulate you in some way, whether it's a book with an unreliable narrator or a movie where Haley Joel Osment gets stabbed at the end. The good ones are the ones where yo...


Jealousy is one of the base human emotions that we'd like to think we grow out of as we get older, but honestly, we never do. And if you have, then we hate you. Who do you think you are anyway?Ahem...


We can't think of many non-violent ways to murder someone. Maybe forcing someone to watch Little House on the Prairie reruns until they die of boredom? At any rate, crime novels require a cert...

Women and Femininity

We're going to say a few words and phrases, and we want you to conjure up an image in your head. Ready? Here we go.Pilot.Model.Police officer.Doctor.In your mind, which of these were male and which...


If you judged In the Woods by its cover, you might think it was a camping guide, albeit one to the creepiest forest ever. (Essentials: flashlight, tent, mace, rape whistle…) Of course we're told...

The Supernatural

Tana French isn't Stephen King, so the kids who went missing in the woods weren't pursued by some sort of strange deer-headed, bee-spitting beast…Or were they? In In the Woods, the 1984 case is n...