Guide Mentor

Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis


Meggie, our protagonist, looks up to Mo because he's her dad and he shares her values (primarily, love of books and reading). So while Mo's not around to guide Meggie for a good chunk of the story, she's always thinking about him and wishing she were near him. Since Mo has been such a big influence on Meggie, we're thinking this makes him something of a guide/mentor figure to her, which is great since that's what dads are supposed to be.


While Meggie and Elinor get off to a rocky start, Elinor actually helps Meggie out a bunch—and eventually Meggie stops being pig-headed for long enough to realize this (those are Elinor's words, not ours). Elinor sticks up for Meggie when Capricorn and Basta threaten her when she first arrives in the village to find Mo, and after their escape, Elinor buys a bunch of stuff for Meggie: clothes, food, and so on. So though they each take some time to warm up to the other, Elinor has Meggie's back time and again.