Capricorn's Maids

Character Analysis

These unfortunate women are stuck working for Capricorn and his men: cleaning, cooking, and doing whatever else is asked of them. It seems like they're constantly living in fear, and we can't really blame them. One of the young women who's instructed to bring Meggie a dress probably thinks she's a witch: "she avoided looking at Meggie as she made her way past her to hang it in the closet […]. The maid scurried past Meggie again, looking frightened as if any contact might burn her" (53.18-21). It's got to be really hard to live with so much fear.

Forced to attend the execution, the maids "showed none of the men's ghastly excitement. Most of their faces were downcast but, again and again, their glances strayed over to Resa with expressions of pity—and dread" (55.4). It seems these women have been taught never to expect anything good to happen, which is really quite sad when you think about it.