Inkheart Resources


Cornelia Funke's Writing House

It's a pretty cool-looking website, but it's not necessarily the easiest site to navigate, so, er, have fun?

Scholastic's Inkheart page

There are some neat features here, but beware—there's an audio feature that starts up immediately when you open the page. It's cool to hear the book being read aloud, but it can be startling if you're not expecting it.

Movie or TV Productions

Inkheart the Movie

This 2008 adaptation, starring Brendan Fraser as Meggie's dad, has made some interesting changes to the book. But they've cast Helen Mirren as Elinor, so how bad can it be?

Articles and Interviews

Dianna Wynne Jones's Review of Inkheart

What do you get when one award-winning young adult novelist reviews another award-winning young adult novelist's book? A dang interesting review, that's for sure.

Scholastic's Interview with Cornelia Funke

You want to get to know the author of Inkheart? Look no further—she talks a ton about her life and her writing process in these interviews. Fast fact: She used to want to be an astronaut.

Another Interview with Funke

This one touches on how she feels about adaptations of her work, her favorite characters, and the sequels to Inkheart.


Inkheart the Movie

This is just the trailer, and it's only a minute and a half long, but already you get a sense of some of the changes made in the movie.

A Longer Inkheart Movie Trailer

According to this trailer, Dustfinger has magic? Hmm…

Video Interview with Cornelia Funke

She discusses her writing process, some of the characters, and what it's like to live in Beverly Hills (spoiler alert: it ain't bad).


Margot Adler Interviews Funke for NPR

This is less about Inkheart and more about her novel The Thief Lord, but you get the idea.


Cornelia Funke in her Writing Office

Nice stained glass window.

The Movie Poster for Inkheart

Nifty… though there are no unicorns in the book.

One of the U.S. Covers for Inkheart

Remember the lizard? It came out of Treasure Island when Mo had to read treasure out of it.

A Fan Cover for Inkheart

This is pretty trippy, and it might even be cooler than the original.